GRIB-API definition

Name:cloud coverAbbreviation:cclUnit:%paramId:260257

UERRA details

DefinitionPercentage of the sky hidden by all visible clouds on a model level.
Validity instantaneous

WMO GRIB2 definition

Discipline0meteorological products
Parameter category6cloud
Parameter number22
cloud cover
Type of first fixed surface105hybrid level
Scale factor of first fixed surface0 
Scaled value of first fixed surfacemodel level number 
Type of second fixed surfaceall bits to 1missing
Scale factor of second fixed surfaceall bits to 1missing
Scaled value of second fixed surfaceall bits to 1missing


  1. This parameter does not exist in GRIB-API with units % but with proportion (0-1) => paramId 248.
    The problem is that UERRA will have also high/low/medium cloud cover ("at the surface" not on vertical levels) and in WMO those are defined only with units %. It means if we want to be consistent and use the same units (%) for all types of cloud covers we should add new cloud cover with % into GRIB-API.
  2. Will be added to GRIB-API as "Cloud cover" (abbreviation=cc, units=%)