To provide support for decoding, processing and visualising the new octahedral reduced Gaussian grid which is scheduled to be introduced into operations in March 2016, ECMWF will change the default versions of Metview, Magics, EMOSLIB, GRIB API and MARS on all ECMWF platforms (ecgate, cca and ccb) between 10:00 and 10:30 UTC on Tuesday 9 February 2016.

As a first step in this process, the 'new' versions of Metview, Magics, EMOSLIB and GRIB API were updated on all platforms at ECMWF on Wednesday 9 December 2015. A test version of MARS that uses the new libraries is also available as "mars -t".


9 December 2015The 'new' versions of Metview, Magics, EMOSLIB and GRIB API updated on all platforms at ECMWF as 'release candidates'
16 December 2015

Initial email to users announcing the planned change

1 February 2016

The 'new' versions finalised

9 February 2016Planned date for change of default versions


On 9 February 2016, ECMWF will update the default versions of its GRIB API, EMOSLIB, Magics, Metview packages to the versions specified in the table below.

PackageDefault versionRelease notesDownload page
GRIB-API1. API version 1.14.5GRIB-API Releases
EMOSLIB3934.3.7History of EMOSLIB changesEMOSLIB Releases
Magics2. NewsMagics Releases
Metview4. 4.6 UpdatesMetview Releases
Metview Bundle

On the same day, the default version of MARS will be changed to use these new default libraries.

Please see the Release notes for full details of the changes implemented in each package.

Important changes


GRIB API version 1.14.5 provides support both for decoding data on the octahedral reduced Gaussian grid and for the new simulated satellite image GRIB products based on the octahedral grid which will be introduced with the Implementation of IFS cycle 41r2 in operations.In particular, the new computed keys gridName and isOctahedral are available to aid identification of the type of reduced Gaussian grid:

The update also includes two other important changes:


Along with support for interpolation of the octahedral reduced Gaussian grid, the update to EMOSLIB introduces two important changes:


Magics 2.26.2 has been linked with version 1.14.5 of the GRIB API library to provide support for visualisation of data on the octahedral reduced Gaussian grid.


Metview 4.6.4 has been linked with EMOSLIB 4.3.7 and GRIB API 1.14.5 to provide support for visualisation of data on the octahedral reduced Gaussian grid.

The option to plot the classic meteograms based on HRES data (the 10 days Metgram type option for the Metgram function) is discontinued with the introduction of the octahedral reduced Gaussian grid.


The default version of MARS to be introduced on 9 February 2016 is using EMOSLIB 4.3.7 and GRIB API 1.14.6 so is subject to the changes described for these packages.

How to use the new versions for testing before the update of 9 February 2016

Users are strongly encouraged to test their software applications and data processing chain with the new versions of the various software packages before the date of the change to the default versions.

The new versions of the software packages can be selected on ecgate by using the commands:

module load metview/new

module load Magics/new

module switch emos/new

module switch grib_api/new

mars -t

and on cca and ccb with:

module switch emos/new

module switch grib_api/new

mars -t

How to revert to the old versions in case of problems after the update of 9 February 2016

Users that experience problems with the new default software packages after the update of 9 February will be able to revert to the old default versions.  These can be selected on ecgate with the commands:

module load metview/old

module load Magics/old

module switch emos/old

module switch grib_api/old

and on cca and ccb with

module switch emos/old

module switch grib_api/old

The previous default version of MARS can be used with 'mars -t -p'. 

The 'mars -t -p' version is provided for test purposes only.   It should not be used as a long term replacement for the default 'mars'.  Please let ECMWF know if you need to use 'mars -t -p'.