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Screenshot 2024-09-19 153846.png Dear all ! We are pleased to announce the availability of new updated images with all security patches at both ECMWF and EUMETSAT side of the cloud for Rocky Linux 9.4 Rocky Linux 8.10 Ubuntu 22.04 You can already deploy the new images from Morpheus using same instance types already available. As always, if you need any support, please do get in touch with us on rocketchat or through the European Weather Cloud Support Portal (https://support.europeanweather.…
ewc-background.jpg Dear EWC Users, The new EWC user workshop is approaching ( ) and you can already register at: ! As normal,…
  Dear all , EUMETSAT side of the EWC announced a maintenance on 24 September 2024 08:00-12:00 CEST for the upgrade of Morpheus, the Cloud Management Platform. During the maintenance, Morpheus can be unavailable, but your workloads will keep running and won't be affected. In case of any questions or comments or issues, please contact us via support ( or via Rocket.…