Blog from November, 2022

ECMWF is running an online survey that relates to future changes to the structure of its re-forecasts. This will help shape our re-forecast strategy.
If you use or have an interest in our re-forecasts, we strongly encourage you to complete the survey at the following link - it should not take more than 10 minutes:
The survey will close at 00UTC Monday 12th December.
Feel free to notify the above to interested parties within your organisation - i.e. anyone that works directly with ECMWF re-forecasts (for research, for forecasting or for other purposes).  
Thank you very much!
Forecast Department

ECMWF is providing some guidance on SYNOP surface pressure observation issues based on experience from the SEEMHEWS-A (South-East European Multi-Hazard Early Warning Advisory System) project. In this project, additional SYNOPs needed to be monitored prior to their inclusion in the set of in-situ observations processed at ECMWF. Within the context of Non-EUMETNET and Non-WMO NHMS (National Meteorological and Hydrological Service) observations, this required quality checks and guidance on how to improve SYNOP observations rejected by ECMWF IFS model. It was decided to create a troubleshooting page to support resolution of issues in such cases in which close collaboration between the SYNOP observation data provider and the ECMWF observation monitoring team is needed.

The new troubleshooting page can be accessed here.