We are pleased to confirm the operational implementation of IFS Cycle 48r1 with the
06 UTC run on 27 June 2023
We would like to remind all forecast and data users that this upgrade is introducing some significant changes which have the potential to critically impact your processing chains.
If you haven’t done so yet, we urge you to test your processing chains now with the test data provided.
Details on the meteorological content and impact, changes to the configuration of ensemble data, the introduction of CCSDS compression for gridded data in GRIB2, availability of test data etc. can be found on the Cycle 48r1 implementation page. Please keep “watching” the page to get notified about further updates.
Users of the operational and test product requirements editors, PREd and TPREd, are also reminded that these services will be frozen at close of business on 21 June. The operational PREd will re-open on 29 June.