You may use the ecinteractive tool to open interactive sessions with dedicated resources on the HPCF and ECS.
Those sessions run as an interactive job in the batch system, and allow you to avoid the the stricter limits on the CPUs, CPU Time or memory you find in standard interactive sessions on the login nodes.
However, note that they will be time constrained and once the job has reached it's time limit they will be closed.
You may also use the ECMWF JupyterHub service to access an interactive session on the HPCF and ECS directly on your browser.
Main Features
The main features of this ecinteractive tool are the following:
- Only one interactive job is allowed at a time
- Your job keeps on running after you exit the interactive shell, so you can reattach to it any time or open multiple interactive shells within the same job.
- You may open a basic graphical desktop for X11 applications.
- You may open a Jupyter Lab instance and connect to it through your browser, although use of JupyterHub is recommended instead.
- If running on the HPCF platform, your interactive job may be scheduled to any of the four complexes. You may also choose to run on ECS.
- You can run ecinteractive from any Atos HPCF complex, ECS, and Red Hat Linux VDI. You may also copy the script to your end user device and use it from there. It should work from Linux, Mac, or WSL under windows, and requires the Teleport tsh client to be installed and configured.
$ ecinteractive -h Usage : /usr/local/bin/ecinteractive [options] [--] -d|desktop Submits a vnc job (default is interactive ssh job) -j|jupyter Submits a jupyter job (default is interactive ssh job) -J|jupyters Submits a jupyter job with HTTPS support (default is interactive ssh job) More Options: -h|help Display this message -v|version Display script version -p|platform Platform (default hpc. Choices: hpc, ecs) -u|user ECMWF User (default usxa) -A|account Project account -c|cpus Number of CPUs (default 2) -m|memory Requested Memory (default 8 GB) -s|tmpdirsize Requested TMPDIR size (default 3 GB) -g|gpu Request a GPU (limited availability) -t|time Wall clock limit (default 12:00:00) -f|forward Ports to forward, comma separated (default NONE) -e|export Environment variables to export, comma separated (default NONE) -k|kill Cancel any running interactive job -q|query Check running job -Q|quiet Silent mode -o|output Output file for the interactive job (default /dev/null) -x set -x
Before you start: Set up your SSH key-based authentication
For ecinteractive to work properly, passwordless ssh must be configured between Atos HPCF nodes. See HPC2020: How to connect for more information on how to set it up.
Creating an interactive job
You can get an interactive shell running on an allocated node within the Atos HCPF with just calling ecinteractive. By default it will just use the default settings which are:
Cpus | 2 |
Memory | 8 GB |
Time | 12 hours |
TMPDIR size | 3 GB |
If you need more resources, you may use the ecinteractive options when creating the job. For example, to get a shell with 4 cpus and 16 GB or memory for 12 hours:
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ ecinteractive -c4 -m 16G -t 12:00:00 Submitted batch job 10225018 Waiting 5 seconds for the job to be ready... Using interactive job: CLUSTER JOBID STATE EXEC_HOST TIME_LIMIT TIME_LEFT MAX_CPUS MIN_MEMORY TRES_PER_NODE aa 10225018 RUNNING aa6-104 12:00:00 11:59:55 4 16G ssdtmp:3G To cancel the job: /usr/local/bin/ecinteractive -k Last login: Mon Dec 13 09:39:09 2021 [] /usr/bin/bash INTERACTIVE on aa6-104 at 20211213_093914.794, PID: 1736962, JOBID: 10225018 [] $SCRATCH=/ec/res4/scratch/user [] $PERM=/ec/res4/perm/user [] $HPCPERM=/ec/res4/hpcperm/user [] $TMPDIR=/etc/ecmwf/ssd/ssd1/tmpdirs/user.10225018 [] $SCRATCHDIR=/ec/res4/scratchdir/user/8/10225018 [] $_EC_ORIG_TMPDIR=N/A [] $_EC_ORIG_SCRATCHDIR=N/A [] Job 10225018 time left: 11:59:54 [user@aa6-104 ~]$
If you log out, the job continues to run until explicitly cancelled or reaching the time limit.
The maximum resources you request for your interactive session are those described in the ni (or ei for ecs users) in HPC2020: Batch system.
Reattaching to an existing interactive job
Once you have an interactive job running, you may reattach to it, or open several shells within that job calling ecinteractive again.
If you have a job already running, ecinteractive will always attach you to that one regardless of the resources options you pass. If you wish to run a job with different settings, you will have to cancel it first
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ ecinteractive Using interactive job: CLUSTER JOBID STATE EXEC_HOST TIME_LIMIT TIME_LEFT MAX_CPUS MIN_MEMORY TRES_PER_NODE aa 10225018 RUNNING aa6-104 12:00:00 11:57:56 4 16G ssdtmp:3G WARNING: Your existing job 10225018 may have a different setup than requested. Cancel the existing job and rerun if you wish to run with different setup To cancel the job: /usr/local/bin/ecinteractive -k Last login: Mon Dec 13 09:39:14 2021 from aa6-100.bullx [] /usr/bin/bash INTERACTIVE on aa6-104 at 20211213_094114.197, PID: 1742608, JOBID: 10225018 [] $SCRATCH=/ec/res4/scratch/user [] $PERM=/ec/res4/perm/user [] $HPCPERM=/ec/res4/hpcperm/user [] $TMPDIR=/etc/ecmwf/ssd/ssd1/tmpdirs/user.10225018 [] $SCRATCHDIR=/ec/res4/scratchdir/user/8/10225018 [] $_EC_ORIG_TMPDIR=N/A [] $_EC_ORIG_SCRATCHDIR=N/A [] Job 10225018 time left: 11:57:54 [user@aa6-104 ~]$
Race conditions possbile
If you run multiple ecinteractive on different terminals with very short time between them, and you did not have an interactive job already running, you may experience some issues as multiple interactive jobs may be submitted. If that happens, it is best to cancel all of them and rerun just one ecinteractive, waiting for that one to be ready before opening other parallel sessions:
for j in $(ecsqueue -ho "%i" -u $USER -q ni); do ecscancel $j; done
Checking the status of a running interactive job
You may query ecinteractive for existing interactive jobs, and you can do so from within or outside the job. It may be useful to see how much time is left
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ ecinteractive -q CLUSTER JOBID STATE EXEC_HOST TIME_LIMIT TIME_LEFT MAX_CPUS MIN_MEMORY TRES_PER_NODE aa 10225018 RUNNING aa6-104 12:00:00 11:55:40 4 16G ssdtmp:3G
Killing/Cancelling a running interactive job
Logging out of your interactive shells spawn through ecinteractive will not cancel the job. If you have finished working with it, you should cancel it with:
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ ecinteractive -k cancelling job 10225018... CLUSTER JOBID STATE EXEC_HOST TIME_LIMIT TIME_LEFT MAX_CPUS MIN_MEMORY TRES_PER_NODE aa 10225018 RUNNING aa6-104 12:00:00 11:55:34 4 16G ssdtmp:3G Cancel job_id=10225018 name=user-ecinteractive partition=inter [y/n]? y Connection to aa-login closed.
Customising ecinteractive default resources
You may override the program defaults if you always create your ecinteractive sessions with specific resource requirements by defining them in ~/.ecinteractiverc
. Here is a sample file with default values that may be used as a starting point:
#Platform may be hpc or ecs PLATFORM=hpc # Number of CPUs NCPUS=2 # Memory in GB MEMORY=8 # TMPSIZE includes the SSDTMPDIR space TMPSIZE=3 # Wall clock time limit for the session, in any valid SLURM time specification TIME="12:00:00"
You don't need to define all the parameters, you may only define those you wish to change in respect to program defaults.
Settings precedence
Command line options always take precedence over default values, so you can always override those on specific invocations of ecinteractive with the required command line options.
Visual Studio Code integration
If you are a Visual Studio Code (VSCode) user, it is possible to use its Remote SSH extension to connect to your ecinteractive session instead of the login node to enjoy dedicated interactive resources.
In order for this to work, you will need to have ecinteractive available on the platform where you run VSCode. If you are using your own computer, you need to follow these steps:
- Download the latest ecinteractive tool. Mac, and WSL are supported:Once you have it, you can always make sure it is up to date running:
curl -so ecinteractive chmod +x ecinteractive
./ecinteractive -U
- Make sure Teleport is properly configured for you to be able to connect via ssh to our HPCF or ECS.
No installation is required if you are using VSCode and ecinteractive from the Linux VDI, as they are both available.
You will need to make sure the following snippet is in your ~/.ssh/config
on the platform where you run VScode itself:
# ecinteractive dynamic host Include ecinteractive_ssh_config
With that in place, every time you run ecinteractive from this platform, a file ~/.ssh/config/
will be created or updated, defining a host alias "ecinteractive
" pointing to the actual host running your interactive session.
Connecting VSCode to ecinteractive session
Whenever you want to use VSCode on your interactive session, you will need to run the ecinteractive
command with the desired options from a separate terminal at least once, so that the "ecinteractive
" host alias points to the right host. An example with default options to just update the host alias could be:
ecinteractive :
On VScode, a new host called ecinteractive
will appear in your remote host list. If you select that one, a vscode remote session will be started using the resources from your ecinteractive
Active sessions and up-to-date host alias
Remember that if your ecinteractive session expires or you kill it, you will need to rerun ecinteractive from the same platform where you run VSCode before you can use that connection again
Opening graphical applications within your interactive job
if you need to run graphical applications, you can do so through the standard x11 forwarding.
- If running it from an Atos HPCF login node, make sure you have connected there with ssh -X and that you have a working X11 server on your end user device (i.e. XQuartz on MAC, MobaXterm, Xming or similar on Windows)
- If running it from the Red Hat Linux VDI, it should work out of the box
- If running it from your end user device, make sure you have a working X11 server on your end user device (i.e. XQuartz on MAC, MobaXterm, Xming or similar on Windows)
Alternatively, you may use ecinteractive to open a basic window manager running on the allocated interactive node, which will open a VNC client on your end to connect to the running desktop in the allocated node:
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ ecinteractive -d Submitted batch job 10225277 Waiting 5 seconds for the job to be ready... Using interactive job: CLUSTER JOBID STATE EXEC_HOST TIME_LIMIT TIME_LEFT MAX_CPUS MIN_MEMORY TRES_PER_NODE aa 10225277 RUNNING aa6-104 6:00:00 5:59:55 2 8G ssdtmp:3G To cancel the job: /usr/local/bin/ecinteractive -k Attaching to vnc session... To manually re-attach: vncviewer -passwd ~/.vnc/passwd aa6-104:9598
JupyterHub Service You may find it more convenient to use ECMWF's Jupyterhub instead of ecinteractive to run Jupyter on HPCF or ECS. ECMWF's Jupyterhub is the recommended way to run Jupyter at ECMWF, and only your browser is required to access this service. To use your own conda environment as a kernel for Jupyter notebook you will need to have ipykernel installed in the conda environment before starting ecinteractive job. ipykernel can be installed with: The same is true if you want to make your own Python virtual environment visible in Jupyterlab To remove your personal kernels from Jupyterlab once you don't need them anymore, you could do so with: If you wish to run Juptyer Lab on HTTPS instead of plain HTTP, you may use the In order to avoid browser security warnings, you may fetch the By default, ecinteractive will start the jupyterlab coming from the default version of python 3. If you wish to customise the version of python or jupyterlab, or simply want to tailor its environment in your ecinteractive session, create the following file in your Atos HPCF HOME: Then add in it the commands needed to set up the environment so that the jupyter and node commands can be found in the path. This would be equivalent to the default behaviour:Opening a Jupyter Lab instance
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ ecinteractive -j
Using interactive job:
aa 10225277 RUNNING aa6-104 6:00:00 5:58:07 2 8G ssdtmp:3G
To cancel the job:
/usr/local/bin/ecinteractive -k
Attaching to Jupyterlab session...
To manually re-attach go to
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ conda activate {myEnv}
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ conda install ipykernel
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name={myEnv}
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ source {myEnv}/bin/activate
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ pip3 install ipykernel
[user@aa6-100 ~]$ python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name={myEnv}
jupyter kernelspec uninstall {myEnv}
HTTPS access
option in ecinteractive
. In that case, a personal SSL certificate would be created under ~/.ssl
the first time, and would be used to encrypt the HTTP traffic between your browser and the compute node.~/.ssl/selfCA.crt
certificate from the HPCF and import it into your browser as a trusted Certificate Authority. This is only needed once.Customising your jupyter version and environment
module load python3 node
Examples of contents for
module load python3/new node/new
module load conda
conda activate myjupyterenv
Siham El Garroussi
If you want to use "Metview", you have to load the module ecmwf-toolbox through jupyterlab before running your kernel (or restart loading the module). It is only valid for this session of jupyter. Next time you open jupyter you would need to do it again. On the vertical left bar click on the "Softwares" tab (second from the bottom), look for ecmwf-toolbox and load it. If an issue arises, you have to restart your kernel.
Daniel Varela Santoalla
Loading modules in Jupyter should only be necessary when using the default (module loaded itself) python installation. If using "conda" all should be self-contained.
Please do everyone make sure that you unload all modules (or "module load conda" which will do the same thing) before creating conda environments and installing libraries there, to avoid cross-dependencies with any of the standard installation from outside conda.
Matthew Chantry
With jupyter hub, how can we load/save notebooks on PERM/HPCPERM? Only relative paths on HOME seem to work.
Xavier Abellan
The trick is to create softlinks on your home pointing to those locations, and then you will be able to reach them. For example, from a shell on the Atos HPCF:
Sandor Kertesz
Is there a way with using the default Python installation to pre-load ecmwf-toolbox/new for an ecinteractive -j session?
Jonathan Day
Is the maximum timelimit 12H for an ecinteractive job? If I try and specify a longer time it seems to be overriden. It's a bit of a pain to have to open editors from the previous day and restart any tasks that did not complete before the session was terminated.
Iain Russell
-t 168:00:00 gives you 7 days, at least it works for me
Jonathan Day
I think it may be that I'm already have a session running, if I run ecinteractive -t xxx in a new terminal it attaches to the session that is already running (with a shorter session length). I can see from the page that it is not possible to start a new session while the old one is still running. Would it make sense to have a longer default length?
Iain Russell
Yes, you need to kill your current session with 'ecinteractive -k' before your new settings will take effect (or wait until tomorrow!)
Zak Kipling
Is there a reliable (rather than hacky and heuristic) way to test from .profile whether a login shell is running under an ecinteractive session or directly on a login node, so that I can configure the environment accordingly if I wish to?
Paul Dando
I guess this is a bit hacky but one thing you could do is to test for EC_SESSION_TYPE=INTERACTIVE and that SLURM_JOB_ID is set, e.g.
Perhaps we could see about defining EC_SESSION_TYPE=ECINTERACTIVE if it's an ecinteractive session. But that would need some careful testing to make sure we don't break something.
Zak Kipling
Thanks - I think testing SLURM_JOB_ID will do exactly what I want. I hadn't spotted that this one is passed through to your interactive ssh environments within the session (unlike most other SLURM environment variables that would be available if you just did "srun --pty bash -li", which it seems are not although it would be very useful to have access to variables that tell you e.g. how many CPUs your job has, without having to query the slurm controller or repeat the information manually).
Joao Martins
I am trying to configure my VS Code to use an ecinteractive session. I have followed all the steps but when I reach "On VScode, a new host called
will appear in your remote host list.", I don't see a new host appearing in my list. Does anyone have a solution for this?Nicolas Bousserez
is this from VDI or your local (e.g., Mac) computer? It works from my Mac but not from VDI at the moment.
Nicolas Bousserez
Have you first run