Step-by-step guide

In Metview, wind arrows and flags that are drawn close to the subpage border will continue to be drawn outside this box. Each 'view' object in Metview has a flag called subpage_clipping to control this behaviour by setting it to 'off'.

The following Python code shows how to do this, including plots with exaggerated wind arrows so that the effect is clear:

import metview as mv

uv = mv.retrieve(param=['u', 'v'], grid=[1,1])

wplot = mv.mwind(
    wind_thinning_factor     = 1,
    wind_arrow_unit_velocity = 10

gview = mv.geoview(
    map_area_definition = "corners",
    area                = [33.87,-89.88,63.45,-49.98],
    subpage_clipping    = "on"

mv.plot(gview, uv, wplot)