UNIX and Linux Operating Systems:

- 1994-1999: run LMD (Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique) GCM (General Circulation Model) and SECHIBA Land Surface Model (LSM) under Cray (at IDRIS center) and Sun systems.
- 2000-2002: run ORCHIDEE LSM under a NEC SX-5 vector platform (10 nodes) with SUPER-UX operating system. Computer provided by IDRIS for IPSL and LMD. File server and Front-end: both Silicon Graphics Origin (SGO) under IRIX64.
- 2003-2007: linux Mandrake and Debian-Ubuntu distributions are used for all my work concerning data processing (from field experiments SMOSREX and AMMA and from AMSR satellite), modelling activities (ORCHIDEE, LMEB). For all these activities, I have always been developing shell programs.
- 2007-now: linux SuSE system at ECMWF (working station) and use of ECMWF's High Performance Computing Facility (IBM POWER5 2007-2009; IBM POWER6 2009-2012, IBM POWER7 2012-2014, Cray XC30 supercomputer (2014-now)

Shell: sh, bash, csh, tcsh, ksh

Programming Languages:

- 1994-2002: programming development in SECHIBA and ORCHIDEE LSM in Fortran77 and Fortran90 (developments in fortran: (i) subgrid scale variability of hydrology, (ii) multilayered hydrology and (iii) irrigation scheme).
- 2003-2007: Microwave modelling in fortran, field (SMOSREX) data processing in fortran, programming development in ORCHIDEE in Fortran90
- 2004-2007: Collaboration with LMD (PhD thesis of T d'Orgeval) to improve modelling of multilayered hydrology in ORCHIDEE.
- 2007-2008: CMEM development. ALMIP and SMOSREX background error simulations
- 2008-: ECMWF IFS Fortran developments for the Extended Kalman Filter surface analysis, ASCAT monitoring and data assimilation, Surface analysis developments, NESDIS satellite data pre-processing and geolocation, SMOS CDF matching etc...

- 1994-1999: LMD GCM output anaylis performed under IDL
- 2000-2001: IDL programming to analyse microwave modelling outputs
- 2005-2007: AMSR data processing and evaluation against field data (AMMA, SMOSREX, Nafe) performed with programming tools developed in IDL language.
- 2007-: CMEM output analysis, NESDIS data geolocation.

SCILAB for modelling of L-band effective temperature

METVIEW: Meteorological data visualisation and processing software at ECMWF (2007-now)
PYTHON: for data visualisation and processing (since 2014)

Other Tools:

Netcdf and nco: 11 years of experience (2000-2010), under UNIX and Linux operating systems, for the task of Land Surface Modeling with ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model and for ALMIP and ALMIP-MEM experiments
Ferret for netcdf data visualisation and processing
Grace: 4 years of experience (2003-2007) to plot field experiement results (SMOSREX and AMMA)
LaTeX: 16 years of experience, Master and PhD thesis reports, articles etc
XFig: 16 year of experience for schematic representations in articles and reports
OpenOffice: 7 years of experience for proposals and administrative work
Text Editor: Vi, Emacs, XEmacs
MARS (Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System) request language
SMS (Supervisor Monitor Scheduler)
ECACCESS for ftp, web and telnet access from linux and windows
GRIBEX and GRIB API encoding/decoding software
ECFS (ECMWF File Storage system)
Macro Media Dreamweaver

Web Master of:
The ECMWF LDAS web page
The ECMWF SMOS web page
The CMEM web site
The H-SAF ECMWF web page

Relevant Teaching activities:
- 1999-2000 master teacher in « Fortran programming under UNIX systems » (27hours), Master 2 "Methodes Physiques en Télédétection", University of Paris 7, : "Programmation fortran sous Unix appliquée à la télédétection »