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The European Weather Cloud (EWC) is connecting the cloud environments of ECMWF and EUMETSAT into a larger entity, providing seamless access to online data, functions, and services from both organisations. The key feature of he EWC is the provisioning of data proximate computing facilities to the meteorological community to boost their developments.

The EWC is available for Member and Co-Operating States of EUMETSAT and ECMWF (NMHS and nominated organisations, for Official Duties)) for official duties, EUMETSAT SAFs, European meteorological organisations (e.g., EUMETNET), and research entities aligned with supporting EUMETSAT 's and ECMWF 's mission.

The service consists of cloud resources provided by EUMETSAT and ECMWF and controlled by the cloud management software Morpheus. Users can deploy and manage virtual machines (VM) and the application environment to both clouds (EUMETSAT and ECMWF) regardless of their tenancy location.


Expected service level

Following service level objectives are is expected:

1 for blocking incidents3 business days for major incidents

Service Element





Expected availability of deployments and reachability of the VM/service

The availability of the deployed resources including the whole virtual environment explained above. This availability also includes reachability of the VM/service from Internet. 


Measured over a month, excluding planned service interruptions. Maintenance windows are announced in EWC KB Blog

Availability of Cloud Management Services services (see above)

The EWC tools such as the provisioning portal, metering and accounting services, etc.


Measured over a month, excluding planned service interruptions. Maintenance windows are announced in EWC KB Blog


Time to first response 

Lead time to respond to the ticket and start the task

1 day on business hours

Time to resolution plan of service request

Time to assessment and to the resolution plan of the service request including support requests and service change requests8 business days

Time to resolution plan of incident

Time to the resolution plan of the incidents

2 business day

Lead time to on-board

Lead time to on-board new user counted from the approval by Computing Representative / R&D project and Special Project acceptance

3 business days (after approval)

Acronyms and definitions

EWCEuropean Weather Cloud
ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
EUMETSATEuropean Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
NMHSNational Meteorological and Hydrological Service
SAFEUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility
VM Virtual Machine
APIApplication programming interface
GUIGraphical user interface
UIUser interface
CLICommand line interface
DNSDomain name server
S3 Simple storage system
GITVersion Control System
Cypher Secret Management System in Morpheus
EWC KBEWC Knowledge base
