Versions Compared


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Pytroll processing uses three different containers:

  • trollstalker → monitors files coming in to local or remote filesystem.
  • segment gatherer → collects the segments or messages coming from trollstalker (one of the pytroll collector modules) to one message that contains metadata of all the required files to produce the images
  • trollflow2  → produces images (using satpy)


The different containers utilize different volumes mounts:

Volumes mounted


  • {{ install_dir }}/fci-config/,target=/mnt/config/


  • → this is where the configuration pipeline that is based on trollflow2 is given to the container. There are different components that run during the processing and configurable with the following files (If you want to see more examples (e.g. FCI, SEVIRI), have a look at the ewc-config repository in Pytroll.):
    • trollstalker.ini and trollstalker_logging.ini → Configuration file for Trollstalker, which creates posttroll messages for incoming files, and logging config for it.
    • segment_gatherer.yaml → Configuration file for segment_gatherer
    • supervisord.conf → Configuration file for Supervisord, which starts all the processing steps.

    • trollflow2.yaml →  Definition of the products to be generated: composites, target areas, file formats, filename patterns.

  • {{ input_dir }}


  • ,target=/mnt/


  • input/ → where input images need to be
  • {{ output_dir }},target=/mnt/


  • output/ →  where products, after processing of the input images, will be found
  • {{ install


  • _dir }}/logs/,target=/mnt/logs → where logs of the different processing components will be found.

 output/"example configuration file