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Test  product dissemination system has been fully opened to users to request 41r2 test dissemination products. Products can be requested in a the usual manner at

Users can request dissemination products from a new 0.1 degree based grid from the high resolution forecast as well as 0.2 degree based grid from the ENS (days 1 to 15) and 0.4 degree based grid from the ENS Extended run. In addition, 0.125 degree based grid products have been made available from the global in- coupled wave model, 0.25 degree based products from the ENS-WAM and 0.1 degree based products from the HRES-SAW model.

As announced previously, please note that requesting Gaussian grid products  has has changed in the MARS language

  •    GAUSSIAN=regular,GRID=640 changes to GRID=F640
  •    GAUSSIAN=reduced,GRID=640 changes to GRID=N60N640

New octahedral grid based products can be requested by specifying GRID=O1280, etc. As before, any sub-area of the global field is supported.

Test dissemination products are generated within 41r2 e-suites and made available to users on . Users can trigger transmission of test products at their convenience.

23 December 2015

The issue problem with the GRIB encoding of some fields provided via the test dissemination system reported on 22 December 2015 has been resolved as of 23 December 2015.

22 December 2015

A problem has been found with the GRIB encoding of some fields provided via the test dissemination system.  Fields interpolated to a regular latitude-longitude grid have the first and last latitude points encoded incorrectly in the GRIB header. Typically, the values for fields on global grids are encoded with:
