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DNS, or Domain Name System, serves as the internet's directory, translating human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses (e.g. "" => This translation allows users to access websites, send emails, and utilize other internet services using familiar domain names instead of numerical IP addresses.


  • The DNS record assigned to each machine has the following pattern <machine-name>.<tenancy-name>.<parameter><hosting-location> host where: 
      parameter :  f relative to ECMWF or s relative to EUMETSAT
    • hosting-location:  f means an ECMWF-hosted VM and s means a EUMETSAT-hosted VM
    • tenancy-name: "mytenant" that you can find from this page Logging in to Morpheus or (only for tenancy admins) go to Administration → Users → Identity Sources

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    • machine-name: no spaces are allowed in the VM name, if you provision a VM with spaces in the name the record won't be created. Moreover if the name has capital letters, the domain will use lower letters.
    • Example:
  • The DNS record is created after provisioning a machine in Morpheus and it is available after some minutes (up to 15 minutes).
  • If a machine has both private IP and public IP, the public IP will be assigned The IP assinged to the DNS record prioritize the public IP if a machine has both private IP and public IP.  If you need the private IP instead, please raise a ticket.

These default DNS names are intended to allow simpler usage when testing or developing.  If you wish to run a public-facing service, we recommend additionally using a specific (or your organisation's) DNS domain.  For advice, feel free to contact us.

In case of any questions, please contact us by raising a ticket in the the Support Portal.