Versions Compared


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The plots below shows EFI and SOT for 1-day precipitation (17 December 00UTC - 18 December 00UTC)  from different initial dates.


The plots below show the tropical cyclone track for TC Jasper for the operational ECMWF forecasts from 15 December  00UTC (first plot) to 5 December 00UTC (last plot). The symbols shows the position on 15 December 00UTC (hourglass for BestTrack). HRES (red), ENS CF (blue), ENS PF (grey) and BestTrack (black).

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Central pressure (top) and maximum wind speed (bottom)  for HRES (red), ENS CF (blue), ENS PF (grey) and BestTrack (black).

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3.4 Monthly forecasts


3.5 Comparison with other centres
