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# Contents
* Input
  - Input
  - Contain required forcing for CMEM
  - Main (soil moisuture, soil temperature)
  - Soil Condition
  - Vegetation
  - 2m air temperature
  - Vegetation LAI
  - Atmospheric optical thickness and TB
  - Snow (single-layer)
  - Snow (multi-layer) 
  - Incident Angle
* Output
  - Output
  - Output: Level-1
  - Output: Level-2
  - Output: Level-3
  - Output: Level-4

input config : input # configuration of namelists
input files  : [elem].grib
output files : out*.grib

put option CFINOUT='gribapi' in file 'input'.

* GRIBAPI programs developed for encoding and decoding WMO FM-92 GRIB edition 1 and edition 2 messages
* To use GRIBAPI, which is the default of CMEM, you need to install GRIBAPI

* When using the GRIBAPI option, CMEM needs to have a template file to write the outputs.
  e.g. For sample data, to this end you need to copy SWVL1.grib into SWVL1.tmpl

  $ cp SWVL1.grib SWVL1.tmpl

* When using the GRIBAPI option, CMEM needs environment variable GRIB_TEMPLATES_PATH.
  Before running cmem, do

  e.g. template file: /home/user/wk/SWVL1.tmpl

  $ export GRIB_TEMPLATES_PATH=/home/user/wk # for ksh or bash

# Input
* Prepare the forcing file according to your run config. Here GRIB input required
* forcing files must be consistent in terms of grid size (checked in rdcmemgribapiinfo.F90)

# Input: Main (soil moisuture, soil temperature)
* required for any option
* defalt: number of soil layer (NLAY_SOIL_LS) = 3

  STL1.grib    # Soil temperature level 1 (K)
  STL2.grib    # Soil temperature level 2 (K)
  STL3.grib    # Soil temperature level 3 (K)
  TSKIN.grib   # Skin temperature (K)
  SWVL1.grib   # Volumetric soil moisture level1 (m3/m3)
  SWVL2.grib   # Volumetric soil moisture level2 (m3/m3)
  SWVL3.grib   # Volumetric soil moisture level3 (m3/m3)
  SWVL1.tmpl   # copy of SWVL1.grib to be used as template for the output (only required if gribapi is used)

# Input: Soil condition
* required for any option

Z.grib        # Geopotential at surface (m2/s2)
sand.grib     # Fraction of sandy textured soil (%) range 0-100
clay.grib     # Fraction of clay  textured soil (%) range 0-100

# Input: Vegetation
* required file depends on options CIVEG:

  # if CIVEG = 'Ecoclimap'
  ECOCVL.grib   # fraction of low veg (-)
  ECOCVH.grib   # fraction of high veg (-)
                # These fractions are such as their sum is the complement to one of the bare soil fraction:
                # bare soil frac = 1- cvh+cvl
  ECOTVL.grib   # low veg type
  ECOTVH.grib   # high veg type
  ECOWAT.grib   # water fraction (-)

  # if CIVEG = 'Tessel' or 'HTessel'
  CVL.grib      # fraction of low veg (-)
  CVH.grib      # fraction of high veg (-)
                # Appart for desert areas these fractions are such as their sum is 1
                # Accordingly a weigting function is applied to these fractions to compute bare soil
  TVL.grib      # low veg type
  TVH.grib      # high veg type
  LSM.grib      # land fraction (water fraction is set = 1-LSM) (-)

  # Useful information:
  ECOCLIMAP types are:
  No vegetation:   0
  High vegetation: 1 Decidious forests; 2 Coniferous forests; 3 Rain forests
  Low vegetation:  4 C3 Grasslands;     5 C4 Grasslands;      6 C3 Crops;
                   7 C4 Crops

  TESSEL types are:
  High vegetation: 3 Evergreen Needleleaf Trees; 4 Deciduous Needleleaf Trees; 5 eciduous Broadleaf Trees;
                   6 Evergreen Broadleaf Trees; 18 Mixed Forest/woodland;     19 Interrupted Forest
  Low vegetation:  1 Crops, Mixed Farming;       2 Short Grass;                7 Tall Grass;
                   9 Tundra;                    10 Irrigated Crops;           11 Semidesert;
                  13 Bogs and Marshes;          16 Evergreen Shrubs;          17 Deciduous Shrubs;
                  20 Water and Land Mixtures

  Vegetation tables are provided in vegtable.F90

# Input: 2m air temperature
* required if
       (CITVEG = 'Tair'     or 'Da_dual_all' or 'Ds_dual_onlysnow')
    or (CIATM  = 'Pellarin' or 'Ulaby'       or 'Input')

  2T.grib # 2m air temperature (K)

# Input: Vegetation LAI
* required if CIDVEG = 'HTessel' or 'Ecoclimap'
* required file depends on options CIVEG:

  # if CIVEG = 'Ecoclimap'
  ECOLAIL.grib   # LAI of low veg for each pixel

  # if CIVEG = 'HTessel'
  LAIL.grib      # LAI of low veg for each pixel

# Input: Atmospheric optical thickness and TB
* required if CIATM = 'Input'

  TAU_ATM.grib   # optical thickness of atmosphere (zenith opacity / cos(angle))
  TB_AU.grib     # upward atmospheric radiation (TB) (K)
  TB_AD.grib     # downward atmospheric radiation (TB) (K)

# Input: Snow (single-layer)
* required if CISNOWSET = 'Single'

  # Snow depth in water equivalent (single-layer)
  * required if CISNOWSET = 'Single'

  SD.grib       # snow depth in water equivalent (m)

  # Snow density (single-layer)
  * required if CISNOWSET = 'Single'

  RSN.grib     # snow density (kg/m3)

  # Snow temperature (single-layer)
  * required if CISNOWSET = 'Single' and CISNOWTEMP = 'Snowtemp'

  TSNOW.grib   # snow temperature (K)

  # Snow liquid water content (single-layer)
  * required if CISNOWSET = 'Single' and CISNOWMV = 'Input'

  SLW.grib     # snow liquid water content (kg/m2)

# Input: Multi-layer Snow
* required if CISNOWSET = 'Multi'
* NLAY_SNOW: number of snow layers


  # Layer structure

  snow layer 1 (top layer)
  snow layer 2
  snow layer NLAY_SNOW (bottom)

  (Note: see 'Ignored data' and 'Ignored layer')

  # Snow depth (WEQ): multi-layer
  #   Take care that this is in [kg/m2] for multi-layer input,
  #   while [m] are used for single-layer input SD.grib
  * required if CISNOWSET = 'Multi'

  SDWEQ_1.grib            # snow water equivalent (kg/m2) : layer 1 (top)
  SDWEQ_2.grib            # snow water equivalent (kg/m2) : layer 2
  ...                     # snow water equivalent (kg/m2) : layer ...
  SDWEQ_$NLAY_SNOW.grib   # snow water equivalent (kg/m2) : layer NLAY_SNOW (bottom)

  # Snow liquid water content: multi-layer
  * required if CISNOWSET = 'Multi'

  SLW_1.grib              # snow liquid water content (kg/m2) : layer 1 (top)
  SLW_2.grib              # snow liquid water content (kg/m2) : layer 2
  ...                     # snow liquid water content (kg/m2) : layer ...
  SLW_$NLAY_SNOW.grib     # snow liquid water content (kg/m2) : layer NLAY_SNOW (bottom)

  # Snow density: multi-layer
  * required if CISNOWSET = 'Multi'

  RSN_1.grib              # snow density (kg/m3) : layer 1 (top)
  RSN_2.grib              # snow density (kg/m3) : layer 2
  ...                     # snow density (kg/m3) : layer ...
  RSN_$NLAY_SNOW.grib     # snow density (kg/m3) : layer NLAY_SNOW (bottom)

  # Snow temperature: multi-layer
  * required if CISNOWSET = 'Multi'

  TSNOW_1.grib            # snow temperature (K) : layer 1 (top)
  TSNOW_2.grib            # snow temperature (K) : layer 2
  ...                     # snow temperature (K) : layer ...
  TSNOW_$NLAY_SNOW.grib   # snow temperature (K) : layer NLAY_SNOW (bottom)

  # NOTE: Ignored data
  * if total snow water equivalent < 0.01 (m), the point is treated as without snow.

  # NOTE: Ignored layer
  * if snow depth (WEQ)          >= 9999 or <= 0, the layer (about snow_weq, snow_lwc, snow_dense, snow_t) is ignored at the point.
  * if snow liquid water content >= 9999 or <= 0, the layer (about snow_weq, snow_lwc, snow_dense, snow_t) is ignored at the point.

# Input: Incident Angle
* required if LTHETA_CONST = .False.

  ANGLE.grib              # Incident angle (degrees)

# Output
* option JPHISTLEV in file 'input' defines levels of outputs
* variables in output filename

    $CNAMEID : Summarize of options     # e.g. WaWiFrWiWiPeTsHTTeWaNoNoHsSiTsCoEf 
    $FREQ    : frequency     [0.1GHz]   # e.g. 0014 (1.4[GHz])
    $ANGLE   : Incident angle [degree]  # e.g. 040  (40[degree])

* details of $CNAMEID

    Option CNAMEIDTYPE in file 'input' defines the length of $CNAMEID

    if CNAMEIDTYPE = 'CI-0'

      $CNAMEID = ''

    if CNAMEIDTYPE = 'CI-8' # as CMEM.v5.1

      $CNAMEID =  CIDIEL(1:2) # first and second characters about option CIDIEL (e.g. 'Wa' if CIDIEL='Wang')
                + CITEFF(1:2) # same as above
                + CISMR (1:2) # same as above
                + CIRGHR(1:2) # same as above
                + CIVEG (1:2) # same as above
                + CIATM (1:2) # same as above
                + CITVEG(1:2) # same as above
                + CIDVEG(1:2) # same as above


      $CNAMEID =  CIDIEL    (1:2) # same as above
                + CITEFF    (1:2)
                + CISMR     (1:2)
                + CIRGHR    (1:2)
                + CIVEG     (1:2)
                + CIATM     (1:2)
                + CITVEG    (1:2)
                + CIDVEG    (1:2)
                + CITDIEL   (1:2)
                + CIVEGDW   (1:2)
                + CIVEGDI   (1:2)
                + CIDESERT  (1:2)
                + CISNOW    (1:2)
                + CISNOWSET (1:2)
                + CISNOWTEMP(1:2)
                + CISNOWMV  (1:2)
                + CIOTEFF   (1:2)

# Output: Level-1 (JPHISTLEV >= 1)

  out_tbtoaH_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # simulated brightness temperature (H-pol) [K]
  out_tbtoaV_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # simulated brightness temperature (V-pol) [K]
  out_tmpeff_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # effective temperature (H-pol) [K]

# Output: Level-2 (JPHISTLEV >= 2)

  out_VWCsum_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # total vegetation water content [kg/m2]
  out_frbare_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # total bare soil fraction [-]
  out_tau_at_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # atmospheric optical depth
  out_tauvgH_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # effective vegetation opacity (H-pol) [-]
  out_tauvgV_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # effective vegetation opacity (V-pol) [-]
  out_tb_adw_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # atmospheric TB (downward) [K]
  out_tb_aup_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # atmospheric TB (upward)   [K]

# Output: Level-3 (JPHISTLEV >= 3)

  out_Bpa_HI_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # high vegetation b parameter (if CIVEG=Jackson)
  out_Bpa_LO_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # low vegetation b parameter (if CIVEG=Jackson)
  out_VWC_HI_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # high vegetation water content [kg/m2]
  out_VWC_HI_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # low vegetation water content [kg/m2]
  out_WP_par_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # wilting point soil moisture [cm3/cm3]
  out_emHeff_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # effective emissivity (H-pol) [-]
  out_emVeff_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # effective emissivity (V-pol) [-]
  out_emissH_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # soil surface emissivity (H-pol) [-]
  out_emissV_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # soil surface emissivity (V-pol) [-]
  out_ffrac1_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # pure (no snow) bare soil fraction [-]
  out_ffrac3_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # pure (no snow) low vegetation fraction [-]
  out_ffvegh_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # high vegetation fraction (snow + no snow) [-]
  out_ffvegl_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # low vegetation fraction (snow + no snow) [-]
  out_fh_par_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # roughness parameter
  out_fracfr_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # frozen soil fraction [-]
  out_fracsn_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # snow cover fraction [-]
  out_frclay_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # cray fraction [%]
  out_frsand_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # sand fraction [%]
  out_swmvmx_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # volume fraction of liquid water (maximum value in snowlayers at the point) [-]
  out_tbsoiH_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # soil TB (H-pol) [K]
  out_tbsoiV_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # soil TB (V-pol) [K]
  out_tbvegH_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # vegetation TB (H-pol) [K]
  out_tbvegV_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # vegetation TB (V-pol) [K]
  out_teff_C_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # C parameter used for effective temperature
  out_teff_o_$OPTID_$FREQ_$ANGLE.grib     # effective temperature used for calculating effective emissivity [K]

# Output: Level-4 (JPHISTLEV >= 4)
* LEVEL-4 outputs are ignored in GRIBAPI I/O

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