ECMWF data is usually produced in GRIB format. Older parameters are usually in GRIB1, while more recent parameters and all new parameters are produced in GRIB2.
- (Atmospheric Model high resolution 10-day forecast), III-i-c (Atmospheric Model Ensemble 15-day forecast): Model level parameters encoded in WMO FM-92 GRIB edition 2
- Product subsets I-ii, III-iv (Time Series of Weather Parameters) and Products subsets I-iii, III-viii (Tropical Cyclones), encoded in WMO FM-94 BUFR
Data retrieved from MARS can be retrieved in GRIB or NetCDF format. Data disseminated via ECPDS cannot be delivered in alternative formats. GRIB1/GRIB2 data delivered by ECPDS can be separated into separate feeds in the PREd or upon request if you do not have access to the PREd.
We recommend using ecCodes to manipulate and decode the data. You can also use ecCodes to convert GRIB1 to GRIB2 data or to convert GRIB files to NetCDF files.