Copyright 2006-2020 ECMWF.

This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0
which can be obtained at

In applying this license, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organization nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.

Download CMEM:

When you download CMEM, please keep us informed, by sending us an e-mail (see contact). You will then be added to the CMEM users diffusion list and we will keep you informed of any modifications, bug reports and new version of the code.

Current version

cmem_v6.1.tar.gz  CMEM version 6.1 (released May 2020)

Old version

cmem_v6.0.tar.gz :  CMEM version 6.0 (released January 2020)

cmem_v5.1.tar.gz :  CMEM version 5.1 (Developed 2014-2015, released July 2015)

To get previous versions please contact ECMWF (see contact page).

CMEM Change Log

Test data:

CMEM Input/Output are coded in a modular way, so that the user can choose either ASCII, GRIB or NETCDF I/O format. For any of these I/O type, CMEM is flexible with automatic detection of the Input files sizes. See the description of CMEM input/output .

A test data set for CMEM v.6.0 is provided, including input/Output in the three formats (grib, acsii, netcdf)

io_sample_v6.1.tar.gz   :Test data for CMEM version 6.1 (May 2020)

CMEM How to compile


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