We would like to announce our new pricing structure for the Service Charge model and indicate the revision in costs to data costs (Information Cost). All website documentation is progressively updated, but the primary link is on this page.
Please note that the final plans regarding termination/amendments/pro-rata reductions will follow when we have finalised the process. We ask that no users register their intent to terminate/adopt new prices while we implement the process.
- New ECMWF Service Charge fees (from 01 July 2024):
To make data more accessible for all users, ECMWF has reviewed the existing Service Charge model and adjusted the sizes and costs of the Volume Bands and Service Packs: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/DAC/Service+Charges%3A+From+01+July+2024
This change will reduce the cost for ALL users' current volume bands.
- Reduction in Information Cost for Maximum Charge users and EPU unit cost (from 01 July 2024):
At the same time, ECMWF will also reduce the Maximum Charge fee to 47,500 EUR (from 70,000 EUR), and the EPU Unit cost will decrease to €0.15 (from €0.25). This results in approximately 30% reduction in Information Cost for all users. - Updates to the Product Requirements Catalogue for open data
Following the release of the revised open data in March 2024, ECMWF will amend the Product Requirement Catalogue to account for our open data provision changes. Specifically, all ECMWF data coarser than or equal to 0.4 degrees will be available under an open data licence (CC-BY-4), and the Information Cost will be removed for the products with these resolutions.
Please note that any open data that is not freely available will be subject to the Volume and Service Charges.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to raise a ticket in the ECMWF Support Portal.