Please note that the Service Charge Model applies only to users who want to access ECMWF Real-Time data. If you are already a Real-time data licensee and wish to know more information about the changes from 01 July 2024 and the options available to you please see the FAQ

For users who want to get a licence for ECMWF Archive data or for ecCharts, costs remain unchanged

About the Service Charges

The Service Charge model will consist of two distinct cost components:

  1. Volume Charge
  2. Service Package

Note: the current EPU (ECOMET Product Unitrate for Information Cost still applies and remains unchanged.

In the next paragraphs we will illustrate the components and the related fees of the new Service Charge Model.

The Service Charge  applies to users who want to get a licence for ECMWF Real Time data and:

  • Choose ECMWF as the data Licensor.
  • Choose a Member State as the Licensor but still want data to be delivered by ECMWF directly.

Please note that the new Service Charge model applies only to users who want to access ECMWF Real-Time data.

For users who want to get a licence for ECMWF Archive data or for ecCharts, costs remain unchanged

Notes for different categories of licensees when requesting/renewing a licence with ECMWF:

  • Standard commercial users, Maximum Charge Users, Full NMHS Non-commercial users, and NMHS standard users will need to pick up the Service Package to get a quote.
  • Standard Commercial users can still apply for Small Business Discount.
  • Research users and Satellite Data Providers: it will be at ECMWF discretion whether to waive Volume Band fees and/or Service Package fee (Information Cost for this kind of licences remain set to zero). The services these licensees will get, will depend on the Service Package that will be assigned to them.

Summary of Total Service Charges

Volume Band

Average volume per day

(GiB per day)

Basic (€)

(€500 Basic Fee)

Bronze (€)

(€500 +10% of Volume Charge)

Silver (€)

(€500 +20% of Volume Charge)

Gold (€)

(€500 +40% of Volume Charge)

10 - 1


Not available

Not available

Not available

21 - 10



Not available

Not available

310 - 100




Not available

4100 - 500





5500 - 1,000

Not available




61,000 - 4,000

Not available

Not available



Volume Charges

Volume band


Average volume per day

(GiB per day)

Cost per year (€)

10 - 1


21 - 10


310 - 100


4100 - 500


5500 - 1,000


61,000 - 4,000


Service Packs

ECMWF has revised its Service Packs to add new features and amend/enhance existing features. Amended and new features are highlighted in yellow

Please note that organisations may only have 3 active Archive accounts (WebAPI accounts). If you have 3 Archive Licences and choose to adopt the Gold Service pack, you will not obtain a fourth account and may be asked to remove one of the older accounts. 

Service or FeatureBasic




Fee per year500 EUR

500 EUR + 10% of Volume Charge

500 EUR + 20% of Volume Charge

500 EUR + 40% of Volume Charge

Volume Bands allowed (GB)

Volume Bands 1 - 4

Volume Bands 2 - 5Volume Band 3 or higher

Volume Band 4 or higher

Office hours support

(08:00 - 17:00 UTC)





24/7 Operational Support





Maximum number of destinations allowed (including Alias destinations)Single destinationSingle destinationUp to 2 destinationsUp to 4 destinations
Test data for cycle upgrades



(Test batch but not operational delivery)


(Including operational delivery)


(Including operational delivery)

User being able to access PREd and ECPDS(error)(error)(tick)(tick)
Changes to operational data requirements per year implemented by ECMWF Data Support Team (UK Office Hours) (per contract)2

Changes to operational data requirements per year implemented by users themselves (per contract, not destination)00


(Maximum Charge users: Unlimited)


ECPDS - Max number of users (error)


ECPDS - maximum number of configuration changes per contract year24616
ECPDS - Back-up host(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)
ECPDS - Maximum number of hosts (per destination)1248
ECPDS - Compression(error)(tick)(tick)(tick)
ECPDS - CCSDS Packing Optional(tick)


ECPDS - Custom Filenaming (including year in filename)



ECPDS -  Key Rotation(error)(error)(tick)(tick)
ECPDS - Push delivery mechanism




ECPDS - Maximum number of parallel connections

(per destination)





ECPDS -  Directory targeting allowed





ECPDS - Pre-Schedule Delivery





ECPDS - File Retention Time

(except seasonal/extended)

2 days

3 days

5 days


(Up to 10 days)


(volume allowed proportionate to volume band)





(up to 100GiB)

PREd - Maximum number of users(error)(error)12

Testing files as a new user

One-time push of a batch of files

One-time push of a batch of files

One-time push of a batch of files

One-time push of a batch of files

PREd - Test Feed Duration (for existing users)

10 days

10 days

10 days

10 days

PREd - Custom Test Feed duration




(Up to 15 days)

Volume still counts to limit


(Up to 30 days)

Volume still counts to limit

PREd - Publication request with approval (Mon-Thurs, UK office hours - as currently)





PREd - Publication request without approval (Mon-Thurs)



(tick) for Maximum Charge Users only

(tick) for Maximum Charge Users only

PREd - Publication request without approval 24/7




(tick) for Maximum Charge Users only

PREd - Max number of operational feeds (incl. test feeds) - per destination





PREd - Ability to create own feeds





PREd - Ability to change status of feeds to set normal, delay and pre-schedule





MARS access





ecCharts access





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