ECMWF is planning to introduce a new upgrade of the CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) real-time data assimilation and forecasting system on 26 September 2017.
This upgrade includes various improvements of the aerosol module as well as improvements to the UV forecasts. In addition, some interactions between the aerosol and chemistry schemes have been introduced. More information can be found at

The new system has been running for some months now and the CAMS Validation team has assessed the output to ensure the quality of the analyses and forecasts. The main conclusions are: the new model configuration is an improvement as far as aerosols are concerned. Tropospheric ozone results for the current operational system and the new system generally are very comparable, apart from a wintertime negative high-latitude bias (about 2-5 ppb) compared to the current operational version. In spring, ozone values in the operational system and the new system are very similar. The other trace gas concentrations (CO, NO2, HCHO) show minor differences. The validation report is available from the CAMS web site.

Users wanting to access the output from the current test system can find the data from 1 June 2017 onward directly in MARS or through our Web API service as described here:

For users, who are registered to our operational ftp server, we now also provide daily global test data in the CAMS_GLOBAL_TEST and CAMS_EUROPE_BC_TEST directories.

For any questions, please contact the CAMS Service Desk at
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