There are two distinct user types: Morpheus users and LDAP users. Each type of user serves a specific purpose and requires different methods for account creation.

Morpheus Users:

Morpheus users are required to log in to the Morpheus platform using their credentials to perform tasks such as provisioning VMs, managing networks, and monitoring resource usage.

To create a Morpheus user account:

      • Log in to the Morpheus using your tenant administrator credentials.
      • Navigate to the Administration → UsersCreate User
      • Fill in the required information for the new user, including first name, last name, username, email address, password and role.
      • Assign appropriate permissions and roles to the user based on their responsibilities within the tenancy 
        •  There are two roles:   ewcloud-tenant-admin ( for admin privileges ) and  ewcloud-user (for users without admin privileges )

 Save the user details to create the Morpheus user account.

Please note Linux and Windows settings are not necessary to create a Morpheus user but can be created voluntary depending on your use cases.

LDAP Users:

To create a new user which syncs across all VMs in the tenancy, you need to create it inside the LDAP. 

There are two ways to do it:

Run the Create a new LDAP user inside Morpheus

Head over to the Provisioning tab in Morpheus and click your LDAP instance. 

Select Actions > Run Workflow > Create a new LDAP user

Fill in the values, and do note that the public SSH key is mandatory. Below is a screenshot of a correctly filled workflow. 


The user will be prompted to change their password upon first login after successful creation and the minimum lifetime of password is set to 1 hour.

Note: Created users cannot be automatically added to the sudoers group for security reasons. However, you can grant sudo privileges manually from cli or web browser interface

Create a new user by accessing the LDAP itself

To create a user manually (this might be needed if you need to customize access to VMs, reset passwords, etc.) you can follow the guide at: EUMETSAT tenancy: Default setup or the last steps in Deploy FreeIPA LDAP and internal DNS service