When deleting a machine on EUMETSAT side, the machine has to be in runnning state beacuse there is a teardown workflow used to remove the LDAP host.

In order to delete a VM, go to Provisioning → Instances → choose your VM and use the DELETE button as show below:

Force Deletion of VM in Case of Failure

In the event that a virtual machine (VM) cannot be deleted using the standard method due to various reasons, users with the "ewcloud-tenant-admin" role have the ability to force delete the VM. This process allows for the permanent removal of the VM from the system.

Follow the steps below to force delete a VM:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure.

  2. Select Clouds.

  3. Choose the cloud corresponding to your tenancy.

  4. Click on VMs to view the list of virtual machines associated with the cloud.

  5. Locate the VM that needs to be deleted and select it.

Once the VM is selected, proceed to delete it permanently by following these steps:

  • Click on the Delete button.
  • Check the boxes next to any additional options or confirmations required for deletion, as per your requirements.

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