Versions Compared


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IFS Cycle 41r1 was implemented successfully in operations on Tuesday 12 May 2015.  The first run of the new cycle was for the 12 UTC main analysis and forecast runs. The monthly forecast extension to the ensemble was run with the new IFS cycle for the first time on Thursday 14 May 2015.

In this document

Table of Contents


  • The following parameters are obsolete.
173128SRSurface roughnessUse forecast surface roughness - FSR (244128)
234128LSRHLogarithm of surface roughness length for heat


The surface roughness fields SR and LSRH should no longer be used (they have not been upgraded to the new climate resolution). Users of surface roughness should instead use the forecast field (FSR).


The GRIB packing accuracy of the new climate fields used as input to the model has been increased from 16 to 24 bits per value.  As a consequence, the following analysis fields required for initial conditions have an increased GRIB packing accuracy of 24 bits per value.

26clLake cover (new at cycle 41r1)
27cvlLow vegetation cover
28cvhHigh vegetation cover
43sltSoil type
74sdforStandard deviation of filtered subgrid orography
141sdSnow depth (already 24 bits at cycle 40r1)
160sdorStandard deviation of orography
161isorAnisotropy of sub-gridscale orography
162anorAngle of sub-gridscale orography
163slorSlope of sub-gridscale orography
172lsmLand-sea mask
228007dlLake depth (new at cycle 41r1)

The accuracy of the corresponding forecast parameters in the FDB, archived in MARS and in dissemination is not changed.


Table of new parameters introduced at IFS cycle 41r1

paramIdshortNamenameGRIB editionComponentNotesProposed for Catalogue
26clLake Cover1HRESInvariant(tick)
228007dlLake depth1HRESInvariant(tick)
228008lmltLake mix-layer temperature1HRES, ENS (tick)
228009lmldLake mix-layer depth1HRES, ENS (tick)
228010lbltLake bottom temperature1HRES, ENS (tick)
228011ltltLake total layer temperature1HRES, ENS (tick)
228012lshfLake shape factor1HRES, ENS (tick)
228013lictLake ice temperature1HRES, ENS (tick)
228014licdLake ice depth1HRES, ENS (tick)
228217ilspfInstantaneous large-scale surface precipitation fraction1HRES, ENS (tick)
228218crrConvective rain rate1HRES, ENS (tick)
228219lsrrLarge scale rain rate1HRES, ENS (tick)
228220csfrConvective snowfall rate water equivalent1HRES, ENS (tick)
228221lssfrLarge scale snowfall rate water equivalent1HRES, ENS (tick)
228222mxtpr3Maximum total precipitation rate in the last 3 hours1HRES, ENS (tick)
228223mntpr3Minimum total precipitation rate in the last 3 hours1HRES, ENS (tick)
228224mxtpr6Maximum total precipitation rate in the last 6 hours1HRES, ENS (tick)
228225mntpr6Minimum total precipitation rate in the last 6 hours1HRES, ENS (tick)
228226mxtprMaximum total precipitation rate since previous post-processing1HRES, ENS (error)
228227mntprMinimum total precipitation rate since previous post-processing1HRES, ENS (error)
228029i10fgInstantaneous 10m wind gust1HRES, ENS (tick)
228088tcslwTotal column supercooled liquid water1HRES (tick)
228251pevPotential evaporation1HRES, ENS (tick)
260015ptypePrecipitation type2HRES, ENS

GRIB 2, Index:

1=rain 3=freezing rain
6=wet snow
8=Ice pellets

003020visVisibility1HRES, ENSExperimental(tick)
57uvbDownward UV radiation at the surface1ENS (tick)
206tco3Total column ozone1ENS (tick)
203o3Ozone mass mixing ratio1ENSOn pressure levels(tick)
140121swh1Significant wave height of first swell partition1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)
140122mwd1Mean wave direction of first swell partition1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)
140123mwp1Mean wave period of first swell partition1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)
140124swh2Significant wave height of second swell partition1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)
140125mwd2Mean wave direction of second swell partition1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)
140126mwp2Mean wave period of second swell partition1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)
140127swh3Significant wave height of third swell  partition1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)
140128mwd3Mean wave direction of third swell  partition1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)
140129mwp3Mean wave period of third swell  partition1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)
140207wssWave Spectral Skewness1WAM-HRES, WAM-ENS,WAM-LAM (error)

The inclusion of a significant number of the new parameters in the Catalogue of ECMWF real-time products was approved by the Advisory Committee on Data Policy in April 2015 as indicated in the table. The inclusion of wave parameters and the extension to 46 days of the monthly forecast will be discussed in the coming months.


Timetable for implementation


13 Mar 2015Initial announcement to Member States
16 Mar 2015Availability of test data in dissemination
12 May 2015Implementation date

19 May 2015

IFS Cycle 41r1 implemented a revised set of forecast output fields for the ocean waves. These were based on a new method to split the 2d ocean wave spectrum into its principal components. The new scheme splits the wave spectrum into one wind waves and up to three swell partitions.  The parameters characterising the three swell partitions (significant height, mean wave direction and mean wave period of first, second and third swell partitions) are new, supplementing the total swell parameters already produced.
