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For a record of changes made to this page please refer to   Document versions .

Further information and advice regarding the upgrade can be obtained from User Support.


paramIdshortNamenamedescriptionunitsGRIB editionComponentTest data availableDisseminationecChartsProposed for Catalogue
260109ceilCeilingCloud-base height relative to the ground (at least 50% cloud in one layer)m2


228046hcctHeight of convective cloud topSee 43r1 new parameters: Height of convective cloud topm1HRES / ENS(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)
228047hwbt0Height of zero-degree wet-bulb temperatureSee 43r1 new parameters: Height of zero-degree (and one-degree) wet-bulb temperaturem1HRES / ENS(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)
228048hwbt1Height of one-degree wet-bulb temperatureSee 43r1 new parameters: Height of zero-degree (and one-degree) wet-bulb temperaturem1HRES / ENS(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)
47dsrpDirect solar radiation Incident on a plane perpendicular to the sun's direction. This is an accumulated field.J/m21


NB: only forecast



Wave energy flux magnitude

Integral over all frequencies and directions of the product of the group speed and the two-dimensional energy wave spectrum.W/m1HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)
140113wefxdWave energy flux mean directionSpectral mean direction over all frequencies and direction of the product of the group velocity vector and the two-dimensional energy wave spectrum.Degree true1HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)


Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 10 to 12 seconds

Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 10 to 12 seconds, where the significant wave height is defined as 4 times the square root of the integral over all directions and all frequencies between 1/12 and 1/10 Hz of the two-dimension wave spectrumm1HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)
140115h1214Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from12 to 14 secondsSignificant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 12 to 14 seconds, where the significant wave height is defined as 4 times the square root of the integral over all directions and all frequencies between 1/14 and 1/12 Hz of the two-dimension wave spectrumm1HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)
140116h1417Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 14 to 17 secondsSignificant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 14 to 17 seconds, where the significant wave height is defined as 4 times the square root of the integral over all directions and all frequencies between 1/17 and 1/14 Hz of the two-dimension wave spectrumm1HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)
140117h1721Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 17 to 21 secondsSignificant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 17 to 21 seconds, where the significant wave height is defined as 4 times the square root of the integral over all directions and all frequencies between 1/21 and 1/17 Hz of the two-dimension wave spectrumm1HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)
140118h2125Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 21 to 25 secondsSignificant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 21 to 25 seconds, where the significant wave height is defined as 4 times the square root of the integral over all directions and all frequencies between 1/25 and 1/21 Hz of the two-dimension wave spectrumm1HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)
140119h2530Significant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 25 to 30 secondsSignificant wave height of all waves with periods within the inclusive range from 25 to 30 seconds, where the significant wave height is defined as 4 times the square root of the integral over all directions and all frequencies between 1/30 and 1/25 Hz of the two-dimension wave spectrumm1HRES-WAM / ENS-WAM / HRES-SAW(tick)(tick)TBC(tick)


Comparison of scores between IFS Cycle 43r1 and IFS Cycle 41r2 for HRES can be found in the IFS Cycle 43r1scorecard.

Upper air

The new model cycle provides improved high-resolution forecasts (HRES) and ensemble forecasts (ENS) throughout the troposphere and lower stratosphere. In the extra-tropics, error reductions of the order of 0.5-1% are found for most upper-air parameters and levels. The improvement in the primary headline score for the HRES (lead time at which the 500 hPa geopotential anomaly correlation drops below 80%) is about 1 h.



Users of the dissemination wishing to continue using three-hourly accumulations are advised to change their requirements  to request 10FG3, MX2T3, MN2T3, MXTPR3 and MNTPR3 (as replacement for the current 10FG, MX2T, MN2T, MXTPR, MNTPR). Alternatively they can contact Dragan Jokic (Member and Cooperating States) or Data Services (Commercial customers).

Users accessing these data via MARS should change their requests in the same way. They can also contact ECMWF User Support .


New delivery schedule for the ENS


Member State users of the  "Simple time-critical jobs" framework can test that their scripts will work with the IFS Cycle 43r1 test data by using the special 'events' set up for this purpose:


Test data from the IFS Cycle 43r1 test suites are available in MARS. The data are available with experiment version 0070 (MARS keyword EXPVER=0070) starting from 06 UTC on 10 August 2016. As of 25 October 2016, the data are produced from the release candidate testing stage.

The data can be accessed in MARS from:


IFS Cycle 43r1 test data from the release candidate testing stage is available through the test dissemination system. All new model output parameters can be requested.
