This is an announcement for users of the EUMETCast Terrestrial service on the EWC. The EUMETCast Terrestrial service is undergoing a reorganisation on Monday September 11th in order to optimise bandwidth usage. Therefore, from Monday all users can have available a new TER-3 terrestrial service on their Reception station. Data disseminated on this instance is available exclusively on EUMETCast Terrestrial.

Full information on the reorganisation can be found on the official EUMETCast Terrestrial wiki page:

In addition, the EWC confluence page has been updated to provide information on adding the TER-3 instance for users that have a EUMETCast Terrestrial VM deployed in EWC:

For new users setting up a station on EWC, the EUMETCast Terrestrial over AMT VM available on Morpheus has been updated.

We remain available to offer you all the needed support.

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