Dear all,
CentOS Linux 7 will reach end of life (EOL) on June 30, 2024. This means machines provisioned with that distribution version, exposed with public IP, have to be replaced with the new OS images (rocky 8, 9 or Ubuntu 22).
In particular for EWC users on EUMETSAT side, the SSH proxy machine is Centos7 based and has public IP , therefore it needs to be replaced for security reasons.
EWC users can deploy a new SSH proxy using the instance type from Morpheus ( Once deployed, you can remove the public IP from the old SSH Proxy (it won't have public access anymore) ( Add/remove floating IP section) and add the same public IP to the new ssh proxy machine.
Be aware that if the machine is not replaced no security updates will be available for this linux distribution, therefore it would be a risk for EWC. We would like to remind that the tenant is responsible for updating of all VMs in the tenancy
We are happy to support if you open a ticket, but there could be some delays depending on the number of requests we get.
In case of any questions or comments, please contact us via the support ( or via Rocket.