When storing data, it is often good practice to keep it separately from VMs. Object storage buckets are non-volatile storage locations which live independently from VMs.
Step-by-step guide
- Navigate to Cypher from Morpheus (Tools → Cypher).
- Note down your Bucket Access Key and Bucket Secret key
- Navigate to Storage (Infrastructure → Storage).
- Click + Add and choose a name for your bucket. Fill in the Access Key and Secret Key fields with the keys located in Cypher.
- The EUMETSAT endpoint is https://s3.waw3-1.cloudferro.com.
- The ECMWF endpoint are:
- CCI1 cluster : https://object-store.os-api.cci1.ecmwf.int
- CCI2 cluster : https://object-store.os-api.cci2.ecmwf.int
- For ECMWF : check the option "USE PATH STYLE BUCKET ACCESS"
5. Hit Save Changes. Now your bucket should spawn. For more info on how to access buckets, see related articles.