• Table shows the latest known model's configuration
  • Models' outputs are archived on their original grid or on the coarser regular lat/lon grid
  • Click the model acronym to get more details about model upgrades

Status on 2021-04-27

Time range


Resolution (original)

Resolution (original)


Resolution (archived)


Ens. Size

High-res.? ***

Runs [UTC]

Daily data volume (all runs) [GB]

Full details

1BoM (ammc)d 0-10

0,45 x 0.3 (800 x 600)17
0/6/12/1823.5Latest (2020-23-04)
2CMA (babj)d 0-150.5° x 0.5°50as original30
0/1283Latest (2018-12-26)
3CPTEC (sbsj)d 0-150.9375° x 0.9375° (384 x 192, GG) 104as original15
0/127Latest (2010-11-09)
4DWD (edzw)h 0-180

R3B06 L120

26.50.5 x 0.5  (720 x 361)40yes0/1278Latest (2020-12-17)
5ECCC (cwao)d 0-16Yin-Yang grid250.25 x 0.25 (1440 x 721)21yes0/12153Latest (2024-06-11)
6ECMWF (ecmf)d 0-15O1280 L1379O640 (ORGG)51yes0/121100Latest (2024-11-12)
7IMD (vabb)d 0-10T1534 L64 (3072 x 1536 RGG)120.12 x 0.12 (3000 x 1501)21cf0/12467Latest (2020-07-01)
8JMA (rjtd)d 0-11

1.25° x 1.25° (288 x 145, TL479 L100)

139as original51
0/1215Latest (2021-03-30)
9KMA (rksl)d 0-12

cubed spherical grid

  • global ensemble model : 32km L91
  • global deterministic model 12km L91
32 (12)0.5 x 0.5 (720 x 360)26yes0/1260Latest (2024-12-11)
10Meteo-France (lfpw)h 0-48/0-90/0-48/0-102

TL1798 c2.2 (stretched coefficient)


0.5 x 0.5 (720 x 361)



(7.8/ 14/ 7.8/ 16.6)

Latest (2025-01-23)
11NCEP (kwbc)d 0-16C384 L64250.5 x 0.5 (720 x 361)31
0/6/12/18102Latest (2020-09-23)
12NCMRWF (dems)d 0-100.117° x 0.175° (ACG, N1024)130.18 x 0.12 (2000 x 1501)12cf0/12398Latest (2020-06-11)
13UKMO (egrr)h 0-174

0.187° x 0.28125°

(1280 x 960, ACG, N640)

20as original18
0/6/12/18225Latest (2017-07-11)
  • GG = Gaussian grid
  • RGG = reduced Gaussian grid
  • ACG = Arakawa C grid
  • ORGG = octahedral reduced Gaussian grid
  • ** because of the stretching (2.4) the horizontal resolution ranges from areas over Europe the antipodes
  • *** it has been agreed to provide if possible the additional high resolution forecast outputs (type=fc in MARS) interpolated to the same resolution as ensemble
    • for some models the control forecast (cf) is the high-resolution product for the archive