Dear EWC users !

We are pleased to announce the general availability for EWC users of DNS at both ECMWF and EUMETSAT side of the cloud.

EWC provides DNS to each tenancy and it has the following specifications:

  • The DNS record assigned to each machine has the following pattern <machine-name>.<tenancy-name>.<hosting-location> where:
    • hosting-location:  f means an ECMWF-hosted VM and s means a EUMETSAT-hosted VM
    • tenancy-name: "mytenant" that you can find from this page Logging in to Morpheus or (only for tenancy admins) go to Administration → Users → Identity Sources
    • machine-name: no spaces are allowed in the VM name, if you provision a VM with spaces in the name the record won't be created. Moreover if the name has capital letters, the domain will use lower letters.
    • Example:
  • The DNS record is created after provisioning a machine in Morpheus and it is available after some minutes (up to 15 minutes).

  • If a machine has both private IP and public IP, the public IP will be assigned to the DNS record. If you need the private IP instead, please raise a ticket.

These default DNS names are intended to allow simpler usage when testing or developing. If you wish to run a public-facing service, we recommend additionally using a specific (or your organisation's) DNS domain.

You can find more information on the EWC Knowledge base here: EWC DNS

As always, if you need any support on this, please do get in touch with us on rocketchat or through the European Weather Cloud Support Portal.

Kind regards,

EWC Team

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