Versions Compared


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  • 104 Sigma level
  • 105 Hybrid level
  • 111 Eta level
  • 113 Logarithmic hybrid level
  • 118 Hybrid height level
  • 119 Hybrid pressure level
  • 150 Generalized vertical height coordinate

Pressure level parameters


● T+1,2,3,4,5,6 started at 06 UTC and 18 UTC

Height level parameters

Output of forecasts and analyses on pressure levels for defined time steps.


● T+1,2,3,4,5,6 started at 06 UTC and 18 UTC

Surface level parameters 


● Store forecast output at T+1,2,3,4,5,6 started at 06 UTC and 18 UTC for the Unified Model, COSMO, Harmonie


Precipitation and humidity

perckg m-2
Surface air relative humidity
Surface runoff  
srokg m-2
Total column water vapour
tcwvkg m-2
Total precipitation tpkg m-2

Accumulated radiation fluxes

Evaporationevakg m-2
Time-integrated surface latent heat fluxslhfW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface sensible heat fluxsshfW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface clear-sky solar radiation downwardsadswrf_csW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface clear-sky solar radiation upwards auswrf_cs W m-2 s

Time-integrated surface direct solar radiation

tidirswrfW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface net solar radiation ssrW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface solar radiation downwards ssrdW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface clear-sky thermal radiation downwardsadlwrf_csW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface net thermal radiation
strW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface thermal radiation downwards
strdW m-2 s

Temperature and wind speed

10 metre wind speed10sim s-1
10 metre wind direction10wdirdegree true
10 metre wind gust since previous post-processing 
10fgm s-1
Surface air maximum temperature since previous post-processingmx2tK
Surface air minimum temperature since previous post-processingmn2tK
Surface air temperature2tK
Skin temperature sktK


Mean sea level pressuremslPa
Surface pressurespPa

Cloud properties

High cloud coverhcc%
Low cloud coverlcc%
Medium cloud covermcc%
Total cloud covertcc%


Snow densityrsnkg m-3
Snow depthsdem
Snow depth water equivalentsdkg m-2
Snow fall water equivalentsfkg m-2

Static fields

Land-sea masklsm(0-1)
Surface roughnesssrm

Soil level parameters 

Time steps: the same as surface level parameters


  • Harmonie: 3 model levels/layers (sot on levels, vsw on layers) [dimensionless soil levels]
  • COSMO: 8 model levels/layers (sot on levels the rest on layers) [depths in cm]