Versions Compared


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Below is a list of all agreed upon parameters. Participating Centres are expected to produce output fields in GRIB2 data format and with consistent units. All units are defined by the WMO in the GRIB2 manual. For more information please refer to Guide to the WMO Table Driven Code Form.


titleWork in progress (temporary)

Image Removed 


  • ***  should be confirmed by UERRA
  • +++ parameter must be added to GRIB-API
  • !!!    WMO GRIB2 definition does not exist yet

Attached document to this page which were used for creation of GRIB2 UERRA definitions:

  • radiation_in_mars.pdf (to understand the radiation fluxes)
  • Parameter_table_20150427.docx (the latest official version of agreed upon UERRA parameters)

Useful links:


For the actual availability of UERRA parameters from each model in MARS refer to the page Parameter availability.

Model level parameters

Output of analyses on (hybrid) model levels are stored up to a height of about 15km every six hours (at 00/06/12/18UTC).

Model level increases with height for MO and decreases for other models.

  • COSMO: 1..40
  • HARMONIE: 1..65
  • MO: 1..63

Pressure level parameters


● T+1,2,3,4,5,6 started at 06 UTC and 18 UTC

Height level parameters

Output of forecasts and analyses on pressure levels for defined time steps.


● T+1,2,3,4,5,6 started at 06 UTC and 18 UTC

Cloud cover
Specific cloud liquid water contentclwckg kg-1
Specific cloud ice water contentciwckg kg-1
Relative humidity
Wind speedwsm s-1
Wind direction
degree true

Surface level parameters 


● Store analysis output in six hourly intervals (at 00/06/12/18UTC) for the Unified Model, Harmonie, MESCAN-SURFEX

● Store precipitation analysis  (24 h accumulation from 06 UTC to 06 UTC of next day) output at 06TC for MESCAN-SURFEX

● Store hourly analysis output for COSMO, MESAN, SURFEX


● Store forecast output at T+1,2,3,4,5,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30 started at 00 UTC and 12 UTC for the Unified Model, COSMO, Harmonie

● Store forecast output at T+1,2,3,4,5,6 started at 06 UTC and 18 UTC for the Unified Model, COSMO, Harmonie

● For Harmonie (started at 00/06/12/18UTC):

      • Store sd, sr, al, rsn, slhf, sshf parameters (derived from ALADIN model driving SURFEX) at T+1,2,3,4,5,6 only
      • Store all other parameters at T+1,2,3,4,5,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30

● For MESCAN-SURFEX (started at 00/06/12/18UTC):

      • Store parameters sp,tp,2r,2t,10si,10wdir, tidirswrf from  forecast output at T+6 only (fields from ALADIN model driving SURFEX)
      • Store all other parameters from forecast output at T+1,2,3,4,5,6

titleStatic fields

Static fields are archived only as of the analysis type. For users' convenience, even they are invariant fields, they should be archived for all analysis output times. In case of ensemble products they should be archived with all ensemble members (again as of the analysis type only).

The surface roughness could be either static or changing parameter depending on model and  should be handled accordingly as a static or a prognostic model field.

original name (temporary)

Precipitation and humidity

  Drainage *** +++
perckg m-2
Surface air relative humidity

water +++

srokg m-2
Total column water
tciwvkg m-2
Total precipitation tpkg m-2

Accumulated radiation fluxes


evakg m-2
Time-integrated surface
solar radiation downwards ***
latent heat fluxslhf
W m-2 s
Total short-wave radiation flux at the surface
Time-integrated surface sensible heat fluxsshfW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface clear-sky solar radiation downwards
*** ssrcd
adswrf_csW m-2 s
Clear-sky short-wave downward flux at the surface
Time-integrated surface clear-sky solar radiation upwards
auswrf_cs W m-2 s
Clear-sky short-wave upward flux at the surface

Time-integrated surface direct

short-wave radiation flux

solar radiation

W m-2 s

Direct short-wave radiation flux at the surface

Time-integrated surface net solar radiation
ssrW m-2 s
Net short-wave radiation flux at the surface
Time-integrated surface
clear-sky thermal
solar radiation downwards
ssrdW m-2 s
Time-integrated surface clear-sky
long-wave downward flux at the surfaceSurface
thermal radiation downwards
adlwrf_csW m-2 s

Long-wave downward flux at the surface

Time-integrated surface net thermal radiation

strW m-2 s
Net long-wave radiation flux at the surface
Surface latent heat flux ***slhfW m-2 s

Surface latent heat flux

Time-integrated surface
sensible heat flux ***sshf
thermal radiation downwards
strdW m-2 s
Surface sensible heat flux

Temperature and wind speed


10 metre wind speed
10sim s-1
10 metre wind direction
deg  10m wind gust in the last 24h +++10fg24
degree true
10 metre wind gust since previous post-processing 
10fgm s-1
Surface air maximum temperature since previous post-processing
Maximum [1.5 m | 2 m] temperature since previous post-processing
Surface air minimum temperature since previous post-processing
mn2t62 metre temperature ***

Minimum [1.5 m | 2 m] temperature since previous post-processing

Surface air temperature

[1.5 | 2 ] m temperature

Surface temperature ***tK
Skin temperature sktK




Mean sea level pressuremslPa
Surface pressurespPa

Cloud properties



High cloud cover
Low cloud cover
Medium cloud cover
Total cloud covertcc%



Snow density
rsnkg m-3
Snow depth
Snow depth water equivalentsdkg m-2

Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth

Snow fall water equivalentsfkg m-2
Accumulated total snowfall


***   Liquid soil water index for 5cm  ***   Liquid soil water index for the first cm ***   Liquid soil water index in the root zone ***   Soil heat flux ***   

Soil temperature ***


Soil temperature level 1/2/3/4

Total soil water index for 5cm  ***


Total soil water index for the first cm ***


Total soil water index in the root zone ***

heat fluxsohf
W m-2

Static fields

Land-sea masklsm(0-1)
Surface roughnesssrm

Soil level parameters 

Time steps: the same as surface level parameters

Soil levels: parameters should be provided on original model levels or layers

  • COSMO: 8 soil layers
    level borders at 0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.09, 0.27, 0.81, 2.43, 7.29, 21.87 m
  • HARMONIE: 3 soil levels/layers (sot on levels, vsw on layers)
    level depths are grid dependent
  • MESCAN-SURFEX: 14 soil layers (only 6 layers for preliminary shorter re-analysis runs)
    level borders at 0, 0.01, 0.04, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 m 
  • MO: 4 soil layers
    level borders at  0, 0.1, 0.35, 1 and 3 m
titleSoil depth

The soil depth could be either a constant or a grid dependent parameter depending on given model soil scheme.

If constant, the soil depths should be mentioned only in documentation of given model.

If grid dependent it should be archived the same as other static fields for all analysis output times. In case of ensemble products it should be archived with all ensemble members (again as of the analysis type only).


Liquid non-frozen volumetric soil waterliqvsmm3 m-3

Soil temperature

Soil depthsodm
Volumetric field capacity voltso

Volumetric soil moisture ***

m3 m-3

Volumetric soil water

layer 1/2/3/4

Static fields

   Land-sea mask ***lsm0-1Land coverOrography ***oroggpm Surface roughness ***srm 



vswm3 m-3
Volumetric wilting point   vwiltmm3 m-3

Attached documents to this page which were used for creation of GRIB2 UERRA definitions (they are linked above too):

  • radiation_in_mars.pdf (to understand the radiation fluxes)
  • Parameter_table_20150427.docx (the latest official version of agreed upon UERRA parameters)